Nominations due November 23
Nominations are being accepted for the inaugural "Hispanic Nashville Noteworthy" Awards, for exceptional people, groups, events, and work* in the Hispanic community in Nashville. The Noteworthy Awards are a project of the Hispanic Nashville Notebook.*These are examples only. Anyone and anything can be nominated - a restaurant, business, book, accountant, taco stand, newspaper, party, church, mural, dentist, school, neighborhood, politician, song - anything, as long as it is noteworthy and in the Hispanic community in Nashville.
Send to the editor a description of the person, group, event, or work you believe is especially "noteworthy," along with an explanation for your nomination (with some specifics), your connection to the nominee, a short bio or background of the nominee, any additional information that supports your nomination such as newspaper articles or pictures, and your contact information.
Nominations are due by Thanksgiving, November 23.
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Update 1/15/2007: The winners have been announced
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