Sunday, November 30, 2003

Tennessee State Board of Education considering "newcomer centers" for students with limited English proficiency

"Older students who move to Tennessee with little or no English skills might eventually have the option of spending a year in a 'newcomer' center before entering a regular classroom."

"The proposed centers would give middle and high school students more time to absorb the language before they are required to take — and pass — the state's high-stakes English, biology and algebra exams required for graduation."

"'This is an excellent early intervention if we want them to graduate,' said Carol Irwin, coordinator of the state's English as a Second Language program. 'Newcomer programs have an intense focus on literacy. They're gaining just basic literacy skills and cultural information.'"

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Siloam Family Health Center provides immigrants and uninsured access to health care, still hoping for additional support after HCA's $1.5 million donation

Friday, November 28, 2003

Medicare overhaul bill spends $1 billion to reimburse hospitals for emergency care for indigient illegal immigrants, may lead to law requiring hospitals to report the illegal immigrants they treat

Oro Solido merengue group to perform Nov. 29 at Kache on Third Avenue South

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Nashvillian showers love on McAllen, Texas children

"McAllen is home base for the Texas branch of the Christian Children's Fund, a worldwide relief organization that assists more than 4.6 million children and families in 31 countries. The CCF program in Texas covers 120 square miles of the Rio Grande Valley, a region whose rampant poverty is often described in third world terms. In this area alone, CCF has more than 4,000 children on its books. Some suffer from ailments or disabilities that require expensive treatment. Almost all belong to destitute immigrant families or working parents who simply cannot earn enough. In McAllen's CCF program, all of the children are Hispanic."

"'These are kids who don't get much,' Faulkner explains, running her fingertips over the latest photos in her album. 'I don't treat them any differently than I would my own kids.' But she insists that money is the least of what she has to give. 'People think they've got to buy all kinds of expensive things,' she says. 'But it's not the money, it's not the clothes. It's those cards and letters. That means more than anything.'"

Candidates for Nashville police chief include Cuban-born chief of Waco, Texas

"Alberto Melis, chief in Waco, Texas, was born in Cuba. He has headed Waco's police department since 2000. Waco has 220 officers, and is used to provide security for President Bush's visits to his ranch in nearby Crawford, Texas."

"Before going to Waco, Melis served as chief of the Lauderhill, Fla., Police Department. He spent 24 years on the Delray Beach, Fla., Police Department, as well. Melis has a master's degree in criminal justice from Florida International University."

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Letter to editor of Nashville City Paper denounces use of Glencliff for distribution of matriculas

Argument: only legal immigrants should have an identity.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Nashville attorney dreams of starting venture capital fund for Hispanic businesses

Wynne James of Stites & Harbison lists fund as "goal yet to be achieved" in Nashville Business Journal executive profile

Monday, November 24, 2003

Latest MTSU poll: "immigrants without visas [are] a threat to the social and political order"

Vanderbilt MBA students receive top honors at National Society of Hispanic MBAs competition

"These students of Vanderbilt University's Owen Graduate School of Business placed first at this year's National Society of Hispanic MBAs Dell-Microsoft Marketing Case Competition in Fort Lauderdale, Florida"

"Gustavo Nucci of Brazil, Rene Vuskovic of Chile, Javy Canas of Costa Rica and Luis Mirabal of Venezuela - all members of the Owen Latin Business Association - were among teams of MBA students from other business schools nationally chosen to compete in the final round. The case assignment was to develop a marketing strategy for a new product for Dell Inc."

Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency's Fair Housing Office holds Hispanic-focused public forum

Sunday, November 23, 2003

1.9% of Grassland Elementary student body is Hispanic

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Hispanic household wealth eight times lower than U.S. average

Friday, November 21, 2003

CLEAR Act debuts in Senate halls, not likely to pass this year

"The law enforcement community is split" over the legislation, which would allow local police officials to make immigration-based arrests.

The bill would also link drivers licenses to legal presence in the U.S.

Hispanic Achievers mentoring program points over 200 Hispanic high school students toward college, careers

"The 2-year-old program, open to Hispanic teens in seventh to 12th grades, is sponsored by the YMCA of Middle Tennessee. It's based out of the Harding Place Family YMCA."

"'When we started, our goal was to have about 35 Hispanic Achievers. Now, we have 206 enlisted kids. We have grown real fast.'"

"Students in the program meet at Belmont University two Saturdays a month."

"They divide into career clusters in which they are taught about professions ranging from business to medicine to law. Each cluster is led by a Hispanic professional in that field. Guest speakers also are brought in, and the kids go on field trips."

Tennessean reader resents issuance of matriculas, drivers licenses to illegal immigrants; questions granting of citizenship of illegal immigrants

"I resent the use of taxpayers' property [Glencliff High School] and resources for such legally questionable [issuance of matriculas]."

"I also resent the government-imposed conflict of prohibiting hiring undocumented workers, yet providing no means to verify legitimacy — indeed — threatening punishment for discriminating on that basis!"

"Since the state has already unwisely decided to issue immigrants driver licenses without proof of identification, (while citizens are still required to prove their legitimacy) I am concerned that Nashville will even further become a magnet for a larger share of the census' estimated 8 million to 10 million undocumented immigrants and encourage new waves of immigrants to come here."

"With so many undocumented immigrants now present in our nation and the government sadly granting citizenship to their children born here, we are sowing the seeds of many future problems and a deeply socially and politically divided society."

1.9% of Fairview Elementary students are Hispanic

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Four out of five Americans believe "we should restrict and control people coming into our country to live more than we do now"

Opinion is split on whether immigrants threaten traditional American customs and values (46% say yes, 49% say no)

-Pew Trust report

Age and education reported to shape immigration views more than partisan belief.

Intensity of immigration beliefs up since 1999.

Schwarzenegger backtracks on drivers license law, repeal effort stalls

California Governor would allow licenses for illegal immigrants who undergo background checks and get insurance.

LAPD resists clamor to revisit department's "don't ask" immigration stance

"In this era of heightened concern over foreign terrorists on U.S. soil, a clamor is growing among some in Los Angeles -- including ... a group of San Fernando Valley activists and Northwest Valley Councilman Greig Smith -- for the Los Angeles Police Department to revisit its nearly 25-year-old policy of not dealing with immigration violations."

"In response to reports that LAPD officers were routinely singling out immigrants for scrutiny, then-Police Chief Daryl Gates ordered officers to stop asking suspects, witnesses and victims about their immigration status. The policy, known as Special Order 40, has remained in effect for two decades."

"Current Police Chief William Bratton and members of the city's Police Commission have not called for the policy to be amended or repealed."

"'There are safety mechanisms in place for deporting people who are criminally inclined,' said Police Commission President David S. Cunningham III. 'In the end, the policy position on Special Order 40 is that we are a nation of immigrants and we don't want to dissuade them from having contact with the police.'"

"Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Virginia Kice said Special Order 40 doesn't preclude federal immigration authorities from working with the LAPD on terrorism and violent-crime cases."

"'While the LAPD is not in the business of referring routine criminals to federal immigration authorities, the city and federal authorities work closely on cases involving potential terrorists in the country illegally, Kice said.'"

"U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers stationed in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Twin Towers Correctional Facility check the immigration status of inmates and decide whether to deport them when their term is finished, jail Lt. Tim Murphy said."

Federal border agents crack down in response to immigrant-smuggling violence

"The U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection started intensified patrols Nov. 7 as part of Operation Transguard."

"The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Nov. 10 unveiled Operation ICE Storm, an anti-smuggling task force involving 50 special agents designed to dismantle smuggling networks in Arizona."

"Critics of the nation's immigration policy said the crackdown is futile without other elements of reform, such as a guest-worker program and legalization of undocumented immigrants."

Catholic Charities seeks holiday donations for refugee and immigrant families

Needed: "games, bicycles, gift certificates to Wal-Mart or Target, cookware, appliances, TV sets (with antennas), toys and clothing for all ages. For more information, contact Kathy Minogue at 259-3567."

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Anti-immigration group meets in Nashville, plans legislative measures

"Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policy plans to challenge the state's driver's license law and to advocate a ban on acceptance of Mexican consulate-issued identity cards, according to spokeswoman Theresa Harmon. Speakers also will include Jim Staudenraus of the Federation for American Immigration Reform and Phil Kent, who speaks nationally about illegal immigration."

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Jose Mata opens Pueblo Real restaurant in Franklin

"'I came to this country when I was 15. I could not speak a word of English. But I believed that if I worked hard and focused on my dream of owning a restaurant, I could do it. I love my country, Mexico, but America has opportunity,' said Mata."

"'I started out rolling silverware. I did everything I was asked. I learned about American quality. I worked and saved my money. Now I have this place I dreamed of since I was 12. My dad and my sister, they work with me here. My mother is still in Mexico, but she will come in January to see my restaurant.'"

10.2% of Americans with diabetes are Hispanic

"Left untreated, diabetes can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and circulatory problems than can lead to amputations."

Monday, November 17, 2003

TIRRC conference attracts 170 advocates from around the world


Sunday, November 16, 2003

Hundreds line up at Glencliff to apply for Mexican IDs

More than 1,000 in line for only 650 cards

Critics attack the matricula consular documents, alleging they are easy to counterfeit. Washington Credit Union League notes that the security features are comparable to those of the Washington State drivers license, and the San Francisco Gate describes them as tamper proof but easy to obtain using false documents.

A recent General Accounting Office (GAO) study showed U.S. drivers licenses are no different from matriculas in this respect - U.S. drivers licenses are easy to obtain with fictitious birth certificates, utility bills, out-of-state licenses and other falsified documents. In other words, a U.S. drivers license is as vulnerable as a matricula.

"The Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association endorses the use of the card: 'It helps my office identify people who have committed crimes and those who have not committed crimes,' said Chelsea Chief of Police Frank J. Garvin. 'We see nothing but a benefit.'"

"George Díaz, the deputy director for governmental affairs at the Arizona Attorney General's Office, said law enforcement agencies in Arizona overwhelmingly embrace the cards, which have made policing immigrant communities easier. 'They value the information it provides and they'd like to see it continue to be circulated,' Díaz said."

"More than 1,000 U.S. law enforcement agencies, including Phoenix police, and 409 city governments across the country, including Phoenix, have endorsed it as a valid form of ID. They are joined by 125 county and 32 state governments."

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Glencliff High School hosts Mexican Consulate for issuance of matricula consular ID cards

Mexican Consulate visit in May 2002 saw 1,000 applicants line up for only 400 available cards.

"Teofila de la Cruz Aguilar and his wife, Maria Cerda, arrived shortly after 5:30 a.m. and stood six hours later in sight of the front door to Glencliff High School. Both said they needed cards to open a bank account. Aguilar was robbed twice, he said, because he had nowhere to put his money."

Tennessee law prohibits drivers license applicants from offering the matricula consular as a form of ID.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Remarks by Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge regarding Binational Commission with Mexico

Sets February 2004 meeting in Mexico City.

Remarks by Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Eduardo Aguirre: Civic Integration - Citizenship After 9/11

Alabama Department of Public Safety becomes second police agency in the country authorized to enforce federal immigration laws

"In Alabama, 21 troopers passed a five-week federal course in the intricacies of immigration law."

"The troopers' new mission has unnerved Latinos in a state that is experiencing double-digit growth in its immigrant work force. The Mexican Consulate in Atlanta, which covers four Southern states, has set up a phone line for people to report abuses."

"'We have concerns that people will be pulled over for driving while Latino,' said Isabel Rubio of the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, a community group in Birmingham. 'I really don't feel like it's the role of any federal law enforcement agency to give its job over to state and local police.'"

"The legal authority of local police to enforce federal immigration laws has been debated."

"A central issue is that many immigration violations are civil, not criminal, offenses. For example, overstaying a visa — an infraction that accounts for 30% to 40% of illegal immigrants in the country — is a civil matter. Since city police don't collect back taxes for the IRS, they shouldn't round up deportees either, critics say."

Pending federal CLEAR legislation "would make civil immigration infractions — such as overstaying a visa — criminal violations. States that fail to pass legislation authorizing police to enforce immigration laws could lose federal funding for jailing criminal immigrants. Additional money would be allocated to states that embrace the program. And local police departments could be rewarded with the proceeds of assets seized from illegal immigrants, including homes, bank accounts and vehicles."

"In the past, immigration enforcement by local police has led to roundups that snared citizens as well as migrants, spawning lawsuits that took years to resolve. The track record of the current experiment is still open."

"Florida's program, with 35 officers, has been in place for a year and has led to 165 arrests, with no community complaints. The Florida agents were assigned to homeland security task forces and targeted document rings that were supplying false identification to foreigners."

"Ranking officers believe an understanding of immigration laws can help troopers carry out their duties under Alabama law."

"Before the immigration training, troopers said they were unsure what to do when they stopped someone they suspected of being an undocumented immigrant. Now they believe they have more options."

"Trooper Susanna Capps, a seven-year veteran, is a specialist in document fraud with the driver's license bureau. Last year, her division arrested 4,239 people trying to use false identification to get an Alabama license, the overwhelming majority of whom were U.S. citizens. Alabama does not grant driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants."

Davidson County gets federal Department of Justice grant to offset jail costs for undocumented criminal immigrants

$85,000 covers Davidson County's 32 inmates and 4,281 days in jail, according to report

State of Tennessee and Bedford, Coffee, Hamilton, Knox, and Maury counties also recipients

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) holds Founding Convention

Visiting Mexican econ professor and labor leader give NAFTA a failing grade

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

U.S. and Mexican administration officials meet in Washington; immigration on the agenda

National Immigration Forum urges comprehensive immigration reform; Federation for American Immigration Reform asks, "What's in it for us?"

Overton High conducts seventh annual diversity workshop

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

National Employment Law Project updates report on state laws affecting immigrant workers

"Many of the anti-immigrant proposals, both at the federal and state level, can be summarized as measures intended to make a broad range of entities enforcers of immigration law. This is clearly the case with measures to allow local police to enforce immigration law, but is true to a lesser degree for measures to restrict access to drivers’ licenses, and limits on enforcement and remedies available to the undocumented under labor laws. In this climate, there are many areas in which state and local governments can act to afford better access to work-related benefits and better protections under existing state labor and labor-related laws."

Border crackdowns create violent underworld, may have little impact on terrorism or immigration

Crackdowns deemed successful by U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) (citing statistics from unnamed sources)

1.1 million veterans are Hispanic

Monday, November 10, 2003

Banks target Hispanics with different strategies, products: Bank of America, Bank One, Wells Fargo, Fifth Third, Provident, and US Bank

Workers arrested in immigration raid sue Wal-Mart, alleging discrimination and demanding unpaid overtime wages

Nashville Business Journal profiles Ramon Cisneros, President and CEO, Millennium Marketing and Publisher, La Campana

Flashback: NPR airs five-part special report "Educating Latinos"

part 1:

an education crisis

part 2:

bilingual education

part 3:

teacher shortage

part 4:

mothers and daughters

part 5:

assimilation experience

Report aired in November-December 2002.

Saturday, November 8, 2003

Tennessee statewide K-12 education report reveals Hispanic data

"'Tennessee is in pretty good shape,' Deputy Commissioner of Education Keith Brewer said, 'but certainly we have a lot of room to improve, and that's our goal for next year.'"

"Brewer said most schools would have to focus on low-income, special education and new immigrant students if they want to improve. 'Those are the three subgroups where we have the greatest work to do,' he said."

% of student body that is Hispanic2.7%
% of student body that is Limited English Proficient1.5%
% of Hispanic students who have been suspended6.5%
% of Hispanic students who have been expelled0.1%
Hispanic students met federal benchmark requirements in K-8 math?No
Hispanic students met federal benchmark requirements in K-8 reading, language arts, writing?No
Hispanic students met federal benchmark requirements in 9-12 English II?No
Hispanic students met federal benchmark requirements in 9-12 Algebra I?Yes

U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige defends No Child Left Behind Act as answer to "achievement gap that is murdering ... Hispanic and disadvantaged children"

Hard work and persistence overcome language barrier on DuPont-Tyler Middle School football team

"Many on the team, including several Hispanic youths and one from Sweden, were rookies strapping on their pads for the first time ever."

"The language barrier caused some confusion at times, 'but we got through it,' Sawyers said. 'They're just a great bunch of kids. Win or lose, we were having a great time.'"

"Sawyers, who has coached middle school football for more than a decade, said his players learn some important lessons through football %u2014 discipline, teamwork and camaraderie, to name a few."

Hispanic Family Health Forum: November 14, 5:30pm

To be held at My Father's House, 318 South Margin St., Franklin

Moore Elementary: 4.3% Hispanic

Nashville Korean Presbyterian Church dedicates new facility, will also house Spanish-language mission

Friday, November 7, 2003

Association of American Medical Colleges reports Hispanic medical school applicants increased by 2% in 2003, but Hispanic attendees declined by almost 4%

Thursday, November 6, 2003

Grant to Nashville agencies funds diversity project

"The last event in the series, a forum on Diversity in the Workplace, is scheduled Nov. 10 from 1-4 p.m. in the auditorium of the Downtown Library. It focuses on Nashville’s immigrant population and how employers can fully integrate immigrants into the workplace."

"The forum will offer two sessions — Beyond the Language deals with cultural sensitivity, and Nuts & Bolts will give attendees specific guidelines for understanding various classifications, utilizing proper forms, and filing the appropriate paperwork."

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

Tennessee Supreme Court upholds ruling against employer who refused to pay illegal immigrant's worker's comp claim

JOSE SILVA v. MARTIN LUMBER COMPANY, ET AL., Direct Appeal from the Chancery Court for Putnam County, No. 2001-156, Vernon Neal, Chancellor, No. M2003-00490-WC-R3-CV - Mailed - October 1, 2003, Filed - November 5, 2003

Presentation of false work authorization documents was immaterial to employee's right to recovery; misstating legal status had nothing to do with injury.

Court cites already-existing law that "Illegal aliens are not excluded from coverage pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-6-106 entitled 'Employments not covered' which lists types of employees who are not entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. ... The Tennessee Supreme Court has noted that, 'The ordinary and usual meaning of the word ‘employee’ is one who is employed by another and works for wages or salary without regard to whether the employment be legal or illegal.' Am. Sur. Co. v. City of Clarksville, 315 S.W.2d 509, 513 (Tenn. 1958). Further, the Tennessee Supreme Court has recognized that 'employment which has been obtained by the making of false statements- whether by a minor or an adult, is still employment; that is, the technical illegality will not of itself destroy compensation coverage.' Fed. Copper & Aluminum Co. v.Dickey, 493 S.W.2d 463, 465 (Tenn. 1973) (quoting 1A Larson’s Workmen’s Compensation Law, § 47.53, at 800)."

Rose Fitzgerald honored by Catholic Charities as Volunteer of the Year for Refugee and Immigration Services

Pinnacle National Bank forms community development division to loan money to businesses in low-income areas

"Rev. Neal Darby Jr., executive director of the Greater Nashville Black Chamber of Commerce, says several areas of Nashville - including North and South Nashville and the Jefferson Street commercial district - could benefit from the work of Pinnacle Community Development and other banks with non-traditional loan programs. 'One of the biggest complaints we get from minority business owners is that they don't qualify to go to banks,' says Darby. 'When they go, they're never given an opportunity to get loans to help their businesses.'"

"Capital Bank & Trust is focusing on assisting the Hispanic community with loan products for housing needs and is working with Southeast Community Capital to assist small businesses unable to access mainstream financial markets."

EEOC study: Hispanics account for 3% of legal professionals in private sector


Articles from the English edition are translated into Spanish by software.

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

U.S. Attorneys Office confirms that Wal-Mart, and not just its cleaning services subcontractors, is accused of violating immigration laws

St. Thomas Hospital will build new Hispanic-focused health care clinic, doubling capacity of current facility

David Lipscomb University condenses English Language Learner (ELL) teacher licensing course into summer program

Monday, November 3, 2003

Fourteen-year-old Costa Rican preacher visits Nashville Hispanic congregations

On November 2, Alejandro Arias was at Iglesia de Dios Hispana de Nashville, or the Nashville Hispanic Church of God, on East Trinity Lane. Next week he will visit the First Baptist Church of Hendersonville Hispanic Worship Program and the largely African-American New Beginning Full Gospel Missionary Baptist Church in Gallatin.

Contemporary Hispanic Art on display at Madison Art Center through November 12

10/26/2003 to 11/22/2003

'M-F 10-4, SAT 10-6, SUN 1-4'

price: No Admission Fee

Madison Art Center presents 'These Days,' an exhibit of pottery by Sharon Massey, paintings by Dawna Coleman, and furniture and woodworks by Randy Cochran, plus a display of Contemporary Hispanic Art and works by the pottery Students of June Lusty. The artists' reception for all three exhibits will be held from 6:30 to 8pm on Saturday, November 8. Madison Art Center, 403 Gallatin Road, Madison

Advisory Board of Fisk University Race Relations Institute dismissed en masse

Former board members say the institute was no longer a high priority for the university, that they were "out of the loop as to what, if anything, the institute was doing," and "had no input."

Saturday, November 1, 2003

Watkins College of Art & Design hosts free screening of Manito November 7

November 7

Watkins Theatre, 7:00-9:00pm

Free to the public

"Set, and vibrantly photographed, in the Washington Heights section of Manhattan, Manito is the fictional story of two days in the life of two Latino brothers, Junior and Manny. Employing techniques of cinema verite, the film vibrantly captures a neighborhood and the people who live there."

PR firm Dye, Van Mol & Lawrence add Spain firm SCR to network of affiliates

HCA donates $1.5 million to Siloam Family Health Center of Nashville, whose clients are 80% immigrant and refugee

Edmonson Elementary built to relieve overcrowding, still not at capacity. Hispanic population: 9 students, or 1.5% of student body

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