"He just asked me if it was Christmastime"
By Tim Chavez. Originally posted at politicalsalsa.comAs I walked past Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows Catholic Church and the statue of Chet Atkins tonight, I came upon Christ standing outside a closed store on a downtown street.
He had black skin and a green bag holding all He owned in the world next to him. He was huddled to hide from the cold wind whipping through the buildings. He did not frighten me. He just asked if it was Christmastime.
I answered, "yes, Lord."
Then I asked Him to come with me to the H.G. Hill store and I would give him the rest of the $20 bill in my hand after I bought salt and pepper for a salsa I was making for the good and most kind oncology nurses at Vanderbilt Medical Center.
We walked into the store together, and so that the clerk would know, I identified my savior with these words, "you know you are Christ among us."
My Lord answered affirmatively. And we walked to get the salt and pepper. Then we went to checkout stand. The nice lady made change, and I handed that money to Our Lord.
Then He blessed me. And I took His hand with its spike wound and thanked Him for allowing me to see Him. I walked out the door. And my savior disappeared into an aisle looking for nourishment.
As I walked back, I thought of other representatives of our savior in Nashville, targeted for ouster because they've set up a tent city, or asked for help on the city streets.
Shame on us. Have we not read the Scriptures? Have we not read the stories of the saints? Have we not read Matthew 25 and the parable of the Last Judgment? Do we not remember that Our Lord was born in a manger, homeless, because there was no room in the inn?
Remember. Christ is waiting for us. To recognize Him. And treat Him with recognition and love.

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