Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Acclaimed "A Better Life" showing now at Hollywood 27

The movie "A Better Life" is showing at the Hollywood 27 theater right now. One sentence in the New York Times review of the film sums up the main characters' bios:
For Luis, who’s all-American from his birth certificate to his accent, Carlos isn’t just his father, he’s also a periodically embarrassing ambassador from a foreign land, a Mexican immigrant as seemingly unassimilated as he is undocumented.
The movie has a 86% critics rating and 82% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which are stratosphere-level numbers.  The movie's director came to the film with an Oscar nomination.  The Washington Post opened its review of "A Better Life" by putting the lead actor's name in 2012 Oscar contention.

Two of Conexion Americas' representatives to the national NCLR conference last week saw a panel that included the director of "A Better Life" - so their recommendation is what made me aware of the film.

Let's go see it - who's with me?

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