Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nashville's city leaders published "Agenda" on immigration in 2007: status report, anyone?

I'd like to know what's being done to advance the proactive immigration plank of Nashville's Agenda, a 2007 plan for Music City:

To make Nashville the best it can be…

Identify ways to encourage understanding of immigration issues – including the problems associated with illegal immigrants – in a broader context of valuing cultural diversity and encouraging appreciation for new Nashvillians.

* Create more positive image of immigration in the city. Encourage corporate and political leaders to educate city on value of diversity and immigration. Find ways to increase cultural awareness in Nashville through more city-wide celebrations like the Celebration of Cultures festival. Educate public about differences between immigrants and illegal immigrants with a focus on the total immigrant population.
* Expand diversity training to identify cultural differences provided in the workplace, school, religious institution and govt.
* Encourage local corporations to “adopt” at-risk or immigrant neighborhoods for civic training and job placement.
* Provide a database and services that are multi-lingual to address specific newcomer needs.
* Convene a group of policy-makers to develop a special driver’s license for undocumented immigrants that, at a minimum, allows them to drive to and from work.
* Create an Office of Immigrant Integration that provides education, information services and forums that encourage civil conversation
* Hold “civics” classes at schools and libraries for new Nashvillians on local laws, government processes and services available.
* Create a leadership academy which partners immigrant leaders with native Nashvillians to expand partnerships and create stronger leaders.
Hat tip: Nashville Post

Photo by Exothermic Photography. Licensed under Creative Commons.

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