Monday, May 16, 2011

Missing your fix of There's more out there.

When there's no new story on the home page (or no new story in your inbox, for the e-mail subscribers), if you think you're stuck with radio silence all day long, you are missing out on some of the other Hispanic Nashville goodness:
The Twitter Feed (@muybna): where I retweet local Hispanic Nashvillians' events and updates, plus what I'm thinking during the week about the immigration bureaucracy (800+ followers can't be wrong...)

The Bonus Track ( where I republish many of the press releases I get, so you can get the whole scoop

The Español ( where I have recently started republishing the Spanish-language press releases I get

The Facebook Page ( where readers submit their own stories, events, and suggestions (there's a "Like" button there; hint hint)
If you check those, you might find something new to chew on when the main page is taking a breather.

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