Thursday, February 12, 2004

Couple moves across town to raise children in social, economic, racial diversity

"Chris and Doug finally decided that they were not doing their children any favors by living in a homogeneous neighborhood and sending them to a school with little diversity among its population."

"'The world is changing,' said Doug, who manages the Kool-Vue Mirrors and American Condenser warehouse in Nashville. 'There is so much meshing of different cultures in America and people are so transient, it helps to expose kids to all kinds of cultures.'"

"It was those thoughts that moved them to put their house up for sale. Across town, they found another home on Everbright Avenue, about a block from the old Battle Ground Academy campus. Chris said they picked the area off Columbia Avenue in Franklin because they wanted a neighborhood that was diverse 'socially, economically and racially' and because it was zoned for Franklin Elementary."

"'There is just a worldview that our children are now getting that I know benefits them in a way they were not exposed to before,' she said. 'If the only Hispanic people in our children's lives are gardeners and restaurant workers, then something is very wrong. And if my children only become sensitive of the history of African-Americans in our country during black awareness month, then something is very wrong.'"

The Tennessean

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