Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month
The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will dedicate its traditional monthly “Business After Hours” to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month. First instituted in 1968 by the US Congress, President Lyndon B. Johnson proclaimed a week in September to be recognized as National Hispanic Heritage Week. The observance was expanded in 1988 to a month long celebration (Sept. 15-Oct. 15).
The NAHCC joins the nation in celebrating the culture and traditions of U.S. residents who trace their roots to Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Sept. 15 was chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on Sept. 16 and Sept. 18, respectively.
“We celebrate the contributions of Hispanics to this country, but also in a very profound way, we acknowledge and reaffirm our loyalty to the meaningful values and foundations that have made the United States of America our new home” said Yuri Cunza, president of the Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. “A new chapter in our history begins here, with every new brick placed, every degree earned, every new life created and every life saved. Our values, are not so different after all, we also believe in justice, in freedom and respect for one another. If we are here, it is because we believe those values are at the heart of your nation. As you would also do, we want the best for our families and in many ways we are placing our lives and our futures in your hands. I was glad to read president’s Bush proclamation that reflects how important it is to the country: our presence, our efforts and our contributions”.
Recent Census data released for Hispanic Heritage Month indicates that the population of Hispanics in the US has reached over 41 million. According to Cunza, the number of Hispanic-owned businesses in 2002, grew up to 1.6 million, that equals to 31 percent more from 1997. Their receipts were $226.5 billion, up 22 percent from 1997. A total of 199,725 such firms had paid employees, with receipts of $184 billion, or about $921,090 per firm.
The celebrations will start at 5:30 pm on October 12th at the new La Hacienda Restaurant,
1100 Hillsboro Rd. Franklin, TN 37064 (Hillsboro Rd & Mack Hatcher)
For more information please call 615-332-9777 or e-mail us at: nashvillehispanicchamber@yahoo.com
The NAHCC represents the interests of near 200 businesses and other organizations with interest in Nashville’s Hispanic market. The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce promotes actively the economic growth and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs. Our interest and ongoing participation in the State legislative agenda helps promote legislation and policies that positively affect the Hispanic business community. For more information visit us online at: www.nashvillehispanicchamber.com
PO Box 40541 Nashville, TN 37204
Phone: 615-332-9777 / 615-582-3757
Email: nashvillehispanicchamber@yahoo.com
Website: www.nashvillehispanicchamber.com
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