LOOKING OUTWARD, LOOKING INWARD will be an opportunity to engage our hearts and minds with the human realities of migration into the U.S. and explore ways we can increase our understanding and build stronger relationships with our new neighbors.
Along with the music of Pablo Garzon's Serenata and art of Martin Cadeaux, we will:
- hear from Jerry Gill of BorderLinks in Tucson AZ & Nogales Sonora
- view a video excerpt about a young man's migration to Kentucky,
- learn about the costs of immigration to families, and
- consider ways we can work together to welcome and create links with new neighbors from Mexico and Central America.
Bring handouts about programs you are involved in to build community, and enjoy a fun yet challenging evening.
The Border Links gathering will be Saturday, March 25, 6-9 pm at the Art and Invention Gallery, 1106 Woodland Street, Nashville.
Directions may be found at www.artandinvention.com
It is a free event sponsored by the Outreach Committee of East End United Methodist Church. For more information, please email or call Jim (227-4963) mornings, cell phone 812-3759) or Karlene at 973-2303.
Please forward this to friends, and come join us Saturday!
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