Friday, April 30, 2010

Do I Look Illegal photoshoot at Centennial Park

An event invitation from Leslie Rodriguez:
"Do I Look 'Illegal'" photoshoot
Friday, April 30, 2010
5:00pm - 7:00pm
Centennial Park

Hey folks - this is an impromptu photo shoot to get as many pictures as possible of people holding a sign saying "do I look illegal?" to send to AZ's governor Jan Brewer. I wanted to do this ASAP because the official event starts on May 1 - the idea is to send as many pictures as possible to Ms. Brewer and put them up on facebook as well just to raise awareness about the legislation. Send this to whoever might be interested. I'll be at Centennial by the parthenon at 5:00 PM tomorrow with my camera ready to take pictures - head over there after work or class and I'll get these pictures and get them back to you as soon as I can. It shouldn't take long - just a quick picture holding the sign! Thanks for your support! I'll be out there for awhile - hope to see you guys out there.

1 comment:

  1. here's the result!!/album.php?aid=218946&id=363302537456&ref=mf

    thanks John! We're going to have another photo shoot soon!!


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