Guatemalan exchange students Cynthia Fuentes and Pili Ceballos have finished their semester at the University School of Nashville. From the
USN News Archive:
Cynthia and Pili quickly became a part of the class, collaborating with the teacher to help students feel more comfortable using their Spanish. They worked with students one-on-one during class time, and they added their knowledge of the Spanish language and the Latin American culture to the class discussions. When students learn a language, sometimes they have a hard time making the connection between learning a language and actually using it. With Cynthia and Pili as part of their class, the students were able to see this connection immediately.
On Friday, November 30, both of the girls gave presentations on Guatemala to the three sections of Spanish IV. The students learned in Spanish about the country's fauna, flora, geographical regions, typical clothing, food and traditions. After their presentation, Pili and Cynthia taught the students a typical dance and shared a dish. The Spanish students wish the girls the best of luck as they prepare to go back home. They will be missed! Buena suerte y ojala nos encontremos de nuevo!

Photo of Halyconia plant in the highlands of Guatemala by
Ana María. Licensed under
Creative Commons.
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