Thursday, April 30, 2009

Middle-school blogger SuperMousey responds to "I don’t like Mexicans"

"I am Hispanic, even if I don’t look the part. My dad is Mexican, and my mom is White"

SuperMousey, middle-school blogger and daughter of Coyote Chronicles' Mack, has written about a lunchroom encounter with a classmate who told her, "I don't like Mexicans" and "I don't like Blacks."

SuperMousey prefaces the story by describing the environment at her school, saying that
There aren’t that many non-caucasion children that attend school here, but the ones that do just don’t stand up for themselves.

I did last Thursday. I am Hispanic, even if I don’t look the part. My dad is Mexican, and my mom is White.
Read SuperMousey's complete description here of the event, which at one point she calls "drama" but which centers around the emotional impact of the negativity she experienced:
I seriously felt close to tears. I did end up crying pretty hard in the hallway afterwards. He came up to me and started to apologize and stuff, but I knew he didn’t mean it. He only said he was sorry so that he wouldn’t get in trouble. I think he figured that I was gonna keep crying.

I don’t know why, but it seriously got to me. I think that I’ve been dealing with people not liking me or my family just because we have some Hispanic blood in us. Some other kids at school think we (we being Hispanics and Mexicans) are out to kill them. Yes, I’ve had people say that to me.
Despite the negativity, SuperMousey finds something positive came of it:
People stood up for me, and I stood up for my heritage.
Both the tears and also the rebuffing of negativity in SuperMousey's story remind me of this episode of John Quinones' ABC series, "What Would You Do?" - especially this Part 2 video, in which people stand up for their neighbors.

SuperMousey is one of the local Hispanic bloggers listed in the left-hand column of, under "Local Bloggers."


  1. Ha! I'm going to be laughing at the line 'they should take their business to taco bell" all day.

  2. Thanks, John. I appreciate you mentioning me on Hispanic Nashville. :)

  3. Love the new "Post a Comment" button!


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