Thursday, October 1, 2009

"I want to be a missionary to Nolensville Road"

Belmont Church associate missions pastor echoes Nolensville churches' 2006 sentiments

Stuart Stokes, World Outreach Associate Pastor at Belmont Church, writes about a world of "missionary" opportunities right here in Nashville:
“So, I bet you love to travel.”
Not necessarily. In fact, it would be easier if all our missionaries lived right here on Middle TN.
This usually gets a strange look.
I want to go to Africa to see the Cochrans or the Omallas and the work they are doing.
I go to Mexico to see the Arroyos and partner with them for a short time. I want to go to Europe to see Randy in his element. The same with Joseph Watson where ever he is at the time.
If I want to “travel” I just put my passport on my night stand and drive over to Nolensville Road.
Suddenly the world is at my fingertips. Mexicans, Kurds, Sudanese, Vietnamese, Kenyans, Saudis and the list goes on and on.
My name is Stuart Stokes and I want to be a missionary to Nolensville Road.
In 2006, some Nolensville churchgoers were also seeing ministry opportunities toward neighboring immigrants. Here is a sample from that story:
Raylene King, wife of Stonebrook minister Dennis King, looks at immigration not so much as an issue but as a really big ministry.
Read Stokes' full post here and the Nolensville full story here.

Photo by David Antis. Licensed under Creative Commons.

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