Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Flood relief system can be hard to navigate; Spanish-language conference call today aims to help

Tom Starling, Ed.D., President/CEO of the Mental Health Association of Middle Tennessee sent in this announcement of a Spanish-language conference call for Nashville flood victims today at 2:30 p.m.:
A free, Spanish-only conference call for Nashville flood victims will be held today at 2:30 p.m. This opportunity is perfect for people who need clarity on navigating the system before deadlines expire, immigrants and refugees who speak Spanish, people who are skeptical of approaching government services in person, and people who lack access to help because of language barriers, cultural barriers, or lack of transportation. Valuable information for renters and home owners will be made available from the convenience of a caller's cell phone, home phone, or pay phone. It is a toll-free call: 1-866-776-2058 (please give conference number 89217111).
Please encourage your clients, friends, and congregation to call-in and join Luz Binns of Metro Social Services and Luisa Hough of the Mental Health Association on July 27 at 2:30pm. If missed, this conference call information will be posted on the www.ichope.com website.

Si usted fue afectado por las inundaciones del 2010, este 5 de Agosto del 2010 es el ÚLTIMO DIA para solicitar ayuda. Por ello, La Asociación para la Salud Mental está ofreciendo una conferencia telefónica GRATIS para que usted llame, se informe y pueda hacer preguntas. Cuando: JULIO 27, 2010. Hora: 2:30PM. Simplemente marque el 1-866-776-2058 (es llamada gratis). Será conectado con una operadora en español. Cuando la operadora conteste de el numero de la conferencia #89217111. Profesionales le explicarán a que servicios y tipos de ayuda califica, cómo aplicar, y adonde ir. También, le aclararán sus dudas en forma inmediata. No pierda esta oportunidad de informarse desde la comodidad de su hogar. Sólo tiene que usar el teléfono.

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