Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fabian Bedne declares candidacy for Council seat in District 31

The Argentina-born Nashvillian Fabian Bedne recently announced that he would be running again for Metro Council in District 31, a strip of the southeast part of town that includes sections of Old Hickory Blvd., Nolensville Road, Holt, and Burkitt. The candidate's announcement was covered by In Session, which also provides a little context about the race for that seat.

What caught my eye most from the announcement:

  • "Fabian Bedne, res­i­den­tial designer and small busi­ness owner..." (that's right - he launched his own business Organicus recently, after working for a while at architectural firms)
  • "Bedne named Attor­ney Bob Tuke as his cam­paign trea­surer" (big name - was the Democratic nominee for one of Tennessee's two seats in the U.S. Senate)
  • "This dis­trict has con­tin­ued to develop sus­tain­able growth areas and has become a model on how to eat, work and play right in your own neigh­bor­hood and it’s a place that has been won­der­ful to raise my family.” (reveals Bedne's passion for livable city planning)
  • "Neigh­bors from Brent­wood and Lenox Vil­lage, to Cane Ridge and Anti­och are all sup­port­ing my campaign.” (give you a feel for where the district is)
  • "Bedne and his fam­ily have lived in David­son County for fif­teen years, includ­ing thir­teen years in Dis­trict 31 and he cur­rently oper­ates his own busi­ness here. He was until recently, a Com­mis­sioner with the David­son County Board of Zon­ing Appeals, and cur­rently serves on the advi­sory board of the Nashville Area Habi­tat for Human­ity, on the Board of the Hous­ing Fund, and Com­mu­nity Nashville, and on the David­son County Lead­er­ship Coun­cil of the “Com­mu­ni­ties Putting Pre­ven­tion to Work.” He is also the chair of the Beau­ti­fi­ca­tion Com­mit­tee of his home subdivision." (updated résumé)

For some deep-dive context on Bedne himself, check out the various stories about him at HispanicNashville.com, such as the following...
...and also check out some of Bedne's guests posts, including these three essays:
HispanicNashville.com wishes Bedne the best in his campaign.

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